Adistar Life Sciences

About Us

Our Vision

Adistar Life Sciences operations are guided by a global vision and simple belief that as strong as faith that the whole world can be our market as a part of family of socially conscious pharmaceutical companies involved in providing branded medicine at a affordable price.

Our Mission

By the way of innovative thinking, Pharmacology knowledge and collaboration to develop our ideas in to new medicines/molecules along with coordination of our experienced field stadd, we want to serve the world.


Being in the industry for over 4 years & building goodwill entirely through qulity products and uncompromising dedication, Adistar Life Sciences has indeed come a long way. Experience,combined with hard work, innovations and sincerity, we at Adistar Life Sciences believe in providing "Health to All" with high quality and innovative products.

Why Choose Us ?

Quality HealthCare

We at Adistar Life Sciences Believe that qulaity is the result of high intension, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillfull execution.

Aiming High

Human Life is important every where in all parts of the world. Adistar Life Sciences has never compromised on its standards of services.

The Ultimate

Adistar Life Scinece has never followed success, it has just stuck to its duty of providing health & performed it with sincerity, didication and hard work.